Well, maybe my title was a little strong. It's not that Americans don't like soccer, it's more that we just aren't as passionate about the sport as the rest of the world. As I sit here and watch the US vs. Italy game, I am reminded as to why I quit playing the sport at a fairly young age and why I don't enjoy watching the sport more than once every four years.
First of all, watching the average soccer game is equivalent to watching golf on the boring scale ... and that's pretty bad. From my point of view, there are five keys to soccer's monotony:
- Off Sides - In my early days of soccer, off sides always irritated me. As a soccer-watching adult, it's even more frustrating. If a team has the speed or the confidence to move their whole team downfield, let them do it. If they're too stupid to move their whole team and get caught with someone behind them, that's their fault. Why are we slowing down a game already suffering from (all too often) snail-paced play? Hence point #2.
- Pace of Game - World soccer is so slow. There is too much methodical passing forward and backward and side to side. Yes the game needs strategy and yes their footwork skills are impressive, but let's get things moving. Maybe the field and/or time of play needs to be shortened to pick up the pace, but change is needed.
- Scoring - Increased pace and off-sides elimination would naturally correlate with an increase in scoring. And let's be honest, as much fun as it is to watch someone's foot skill with the ball, I'd rather watch someone shoot at the goal. Why make me suffer through 87 minutes of drowsiness for 3 minutes of action? If you watch soccer more than once every four years, it's probably only the highlights ... or else you have the patience of a world class angler.
- Actors - As I've watched World Cup competition, I've been impressed with the US's lack of acting. So many other players must have studied theater in their earlier years. I've never seen so many pansies in one place at one time. I realize that the player is trying to sell the foul to the referee, but let's get real. Get some masculinity and suck it up. I've seen 8 year olds with more fortitude.
- Physical Contact - I enjoy watching soccer when the referees allow a mild degree of physical contact. Players are running after the same ball at high speed and collisions are natural. Just let them play when collisions are not malicious or intentional.
- Number of Referees - The sport needs more than one referee on the field. American football has numerous referees and they still don't catch everything. In a sport where fast breaks are essential, more than one pair of eyes is needed to keep things legit.